Activated Carbon Tower

No More Oil Mist and Odor Problems from Compressed Air!

Clean, dry compressed air is critical for many industrial applications. Oil mist and odors can cause blockages in compressed air systems, product defects, and even safety risks. Activated carbon towers are an ideal solution to solve this problem. Pre-filters and post-filters are used to reduce oil contamination in compressed air to 0.01 mg/m³. In some sensitive applications, residual oil content may need to be reduced to 0.003 mg/m³. In such cases, a more advanced filtration system is used.

High Efficiency

Activated carbon towers can achieve up to 99.9% oil mist and odor removal efficiency.

Wide Range of Applications

Activated carbon towers are available for different air flow capacities and pressure levels.

Easy to Use

Activated carbon towers are very easy to install and use.

Low Maintenance Cost

Apart from periodic renewal of the activated carbon fillings, the towers do not require any special maintenance.

Environmentally Friendly

Activated carbon does not emit any harmful substances into the environment.

Aktif Karbon Kulesi

No More Oil Mist and Odor Problems from Compressed Air!

Clean, dry compressed air is critical for many industrial applications. Oil mist and odors can cause blockages in compressed air systems, product defects, and even safety risks. Activated carbon towers are an ideal solution to solve this problem.
Pre-filters and post-filters are used to reduce oil contamination in compressed air to 0.01 mg/m³. In some sensitive applications, residual oil content may need to be reduced to 0.003 mg/m³. In such cases, a more advanced filtration system is used.


Activated carbon towers are equipped with activated carbon granules with large surface areas. As compressed air passes through these granules, oil vapors and odor molecules are adsorbed into the pores of the activated carbon. In this way, clean and oil-free air is obtained.

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